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  • Writer's pictureBalvinder Ruprai

Rents across London: How rent varies by number of bedrooms across London boroughs

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

Another dive into ONS data - this time looking at rents across London when split by number of rooms. Once again, darker shades show highest values


  • Generally higher closer in to the centre

  • Not so many larger units in the City

  • Interesting (outlier?) for one bed properties in East London

From Studio to two bedrooms, it looks fairly evenly split between East and West London.

West London seems to dominate for properties with three bedrooms or more.

ONS data for rooms (HMOs) looked to have too many gaps and has been left out of this analysis.

A useful next analysis (if I can get my hands on needed data) would be rent over purchase price. Will be interesting to see what this shows as a return for your money.

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